Written by Irene Quesada

Lectura corta en inglés – repasa too much y too many
En esta guía completa hemos aprendido por fin la diferencia entre too much y too many y cómo usarlos. Pero tras tanto leer es hora de ponerlo en práctica con un pequeño ejercicio y una lectura corta en inglés que contiene varios ejemplos too much y too many para que puedas ver su uso en contexto. Si quieres prepararte más aún lee este post sobre la diferencia entre contables e incontables.
El ejercicio que te propongo es llenar los huecos con las siguientes palabras: enough (x2), too much, too many(x2), too few.
Comprueba su has acertado en la lectura de más abajo. ¡Adelante! 💪
There was noise and arguments. (+)
There are options for breakfast today. (-)
They finally agreed on waffles with syrup for everyone (+)
There were voices to be heard (+)
They could always find a solution that was for everyone (+)
Explicamos este tema también en nuestro curso de gramática A2, puedes revisarlo y además completar el quiz para afianzar tus conocimientos.
Lectura corta en inglés
The Big Breakfast Battle: Finding Enough for Everyone
The Johnson family was a big, happy family with seven kids, ranging in age from six to sixteen. As they gathered around the breakfast table, there was too much noise and too many arguments about what to have for breakfast.
-I want pancakes! shouted little Timmy.
-But we had pancakes yesterday, his older sister Lily pointed out. “Let’s have waffles instead.”
-But I don’t want waffles, Timmy whined.
Their mother, Mrs. Johnson, sighed. “There are too few options for breakfast today. We only have pancakes, waffles, and cereal.”
-I don’t want cereal! declared Tommy, the middle child.
-There are enough pancakes and waffles for everyone, said their father, Mr. Johnson, trying to keep the peace.
But the arguing continued, and soon the Johnson household was in chaos. There was too much shouting and too many complaints about the breakfast options.
Finally, Mrs. Johnson had enough. “That’s it! No one is getting breakfast until you can all learn to get along and make a decision together.”
The kids groaned, realizing they had gone too far. They knew their mom was right – they needed to work together and compromise.
After a few minutes of discussion, they finally agreed on waffles with enough syrup and whipped cream for everyone. They all sat down to enjoy their breakfast, and there was a feeling of relief and happiness around the table.
-This is delicious! exclaimed Lily.
-Yeah, I guess waffles are better than nothing, Timmy said, grinning.
The Johnson family realized that sometimes there were too many voices to be heard, but when they worked together, they could always find a solution that was enough for everyone. They finished breakfast with smiles on their faces, ready to take on the day.
Preguntas sobre la lectura en inglés
A continuación te dejamos estas preguntas de comprensión. Anímate a responderlas, te servirá para practicar para tus exámenes de inglés.
- What were the breakfast options available?
- Why did Mrs. Johnson refuse to serve breakfast at first?
- What did the father suggest to solve the problem?
- What did the kids finally agree to have for breakfast?
- How did Timmy feel about the breakfast they ended up having?
- What was the lesson that the Johnson family learned?
- How did the family feel after resolving the breakfast issue?
Si te ha gustado, tienes más lecturas cortas aquí. ¿Quieres aprender más expresiones en inglés con nosotros? Visítanos en nuestro canal de Youtube.
By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.
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