Written by Irene Quesada

Aprende vocabulario con este texto corto en inglés (nivel avanzado)
No sé si os pasa, pero en septiembre me siento muy motivada y me dan muchas ganas de empezar cosas nuevas (las cuales dejo al poco tiempo, pero disfruto mientras dura) y eso es lo que me ha inspirado para este texto corto en inglés. Aquí te dejo un artículo con una lista de hobbies baratos. Hay 2 o 3 que me tientan. ¡A ver cuánto duran!
Elegir y empezar un nuevo pasatiempo se puede decir de varias maneras en inglés:
Choose a new hobby: Elegir un nuevo pasatiempo.
Try out a new hobby: Probar un pasatiempo nuevo.
Explore a new hobby: Explorar un nuevo pasatiempo.
Take up a new hobby: Adoptar un nuevo pasatiempo.
Decide on a new hobby: Decidir sobre un nuevo pasatiempo.
Usando el nuevo vocabulario que has recopilado y los hobbies de la lista, escribe un breve párrafo o diálogo (de 4 a 5 frases) sobre un pasatiempo o actividad que siempre hayas querido probar. Describe por qué te sientes atraído hacia ello y cómo imaginas que podría enriquecer tu vida, al igual que las aventuras de septiembre de Sarah y Mark, los protagonistas de la historia corta en inglés a continuación.
Observa también que en esta lista hay algunos phrasal verbs. ¿Sabes cuáles son los más utilizados? Mira esta lista, te ayudará a estudiar selectivamente.
📚 Si alguna de tus nuevas aficiones es leer en inglés, aquí tienes una lista de libros recomendados en inglés.
¡Ahora pasemos a la lectura corta!
Lectura corta en inglés
September Journeys: Embracing New Hobbies and Adventures
In the heart of our bustling city, two best pals, Sarah and Mark, both in their 30s, felt a tingle of excitement as September rolled in. The crisp autumn air seemed to whisper about fresh starts and new adventures.
One evening, over lattes at their favorite café, Sarah and Mark found themselves yearning for a change. Their jobs were great, but life had settled into a bit of a routine. “You know, we should try something different,” Mark suggested, his eyes gleaming.
Sarah nodded in agreement, a smile forming. “Absolutely! Like what?”
Mark leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial. “How about joining a book club? You’ve always got your nose in a book, and this way, you’ll meet fellow bookworms too!”
Sarah chuckled, a spark of interest in her eyes. “A book club does sound intriguing. It’s been ages since I discussed stories with anyone.”
Mark grinned. “Exactly! And you never know, it might lead you to new genres or authors you’d never have thought of exploring.”
As they brainstormed, Sarah had an idea of her own. “Hey, what if you try photography classes? You’ve always admired those amazing photos online.”
Mark’s face lit up with enthusiasm. “You know what? That’s not a bad idea. Learning to capture moments like a pro sounds pretty cool.”
They spent the next week researching and planning. Sarah found a local book club that met weekly at a cozy library, while Mark discovered a beginner’s photography course at a community center.
Fast forward to September, and their excitement had only grown. Sarah reveled in lively book discussions, her thoughts flowing freely as she shared insights and laughed at plot twists. Mark, armed with a camera, found himself looking at the world through a different lens – quite literally. “Look at this shot I took today,” he proudly showed Sarah, revealing a stunning close-up of a vibrant autumn leaf.
Sarah gasped in delight. “Wow, that’s incredible! I can almost feel the texture of the leaf just by looking at the photo.”
Mark beamed. “That’s the magic of photography, my friend!”
With the city adorned in warm autumn shades, Sarah and Mark realized that their September decision had added a beautiful splash of color to their lives. Their chosen paths not only brought them newfound skills and knowledge but also kindred spirits who shared their interests.
As the days turned cooler, Sarah and Mark’s journey of rediscovery and growth became a cherished memory. The pages they turned and the photos they snapped were more than just hobbies – they were gateways to a vibrant, modern world waiting to be explored.
Preguntas de compresión sobre el texto
Para practicar tu writing, te propongo estas preguntas de comprensión.
- How did Sarah and Mark feel as September began?
- Where did Sarah and Mark have a conversation about trying something different?
- Why did Sarah and Mark want to try new things?
- What suggestions did Mark have for trying something different?
- What was Sarah’s reaction to the idea of joining a book club?
- How did Mark respond when Sarah suggested photography classes?
- What did Sarah and Mark choose as their new hobbies?
- What did Sarah and Mark find exciting about their new hobbies?
- How did Mark’s photography change his perspective on the world?
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