Written by Irene Quesada

Lectura corta en inglés – repasa el present perfect
Ahora que hemos visto todo lo que hay que saber del present perfect en este post: La guía completa del present perfect, te propongo leer esta lectura corta en inglés que contiene muchas frases en este tiempo verbal. Si tienes dudas, recurre a las palabras clave que te hemos enseñado, verás que aparecen a menudo en las frases conjugadas en present perfect (never, for, already...).
Antes de comenzar, te propongo que hagas este ejercicio de elegir la palabra correcta. Las soluciones están en la lectura. ¡Así podrás ir practicando!
1. John and Ed have always [talked/talking] about getting a puppy, but they have never [had/have] the time or the space to make it happen.
2. We’ve never [had/have] a dog before.
3. We’ve [have/talked] about it for months.
4. I’ve never [realized/realize] how much work a dog could be.
5. But he[‘s/ve] already brought so much joy into our lives.
6. They have [had/have] some challenges along the way.
7. We’ve only [has/had] him for a few weeks.
8. They have already [make/made] many happy memories together.
Y ahora, ¡vamos a la lectura! Si tienes dudas, utiliza un diccionario online. Si te quedas con ganas de más, mira esta lista de recomendaciones de libros en inglés para un nivel intermedio.
Lectura corta en inglés
Adopting Our First Puppy
John and Ed have always talked about getting a puppy, but they have never had the time or the space to make it happen. Recently, they moved into a new house with a big yard and decided that it was the perfect time to adopt a furry friend.
“We’ve never had a dog before, but I’m excited to give it a try,” Ed says, as they drive to the animal shelter.
“I’ve had dogs before, but it’s been a while. I’m still a little nervous about taking care of a puppy,” John replies, his hands gripping the steering wheel.
As they walk through the shelter, they see several dogs wagging their tails and barking happily. “This one is so cute!” Ed exclaims, pointing to a small, black and white puppy.
“I like that one too, but let’s take our time and look around a bit more,” John says, still uncertain.
They continue browsing until they find a gentle-looking golden retriever. “I think this is the one,” John says, petting the dog’s soft fur.
Ed agrees, and they fill out the adoption paperwork. “I can’t believe we made it!” he says, as they leave the shelter.
“I know, it happened so fast. But we’ve talked about it for months, so I guess it’s been a long time coming,” John replies, as the puppy sits in his lap.
Since adopting the puppy, John and Ed have been busy taking care of him. “I’ve never realized how much work a dog could be,” Ed says, as he gives the puppy a bath.
“But he’s already brought so much joy into our lives,” John replies, smiling down at the puppy.
They have had some challenges along the way, such as potty training and chewed up shoes, but they are still happy with their decision. “We’ve only had him for a few weeks, but it feels like he’s been a part of our family for years,” Ed says, scratching the puppy’s ear.
“I couldn’t agree more. I think we made the right choice,” John says, looking at their furry friend.
As they snuggle on the couch with the puppy, they know that they have already made many happy memories together, and there are still many more to come.
Preguntas sobre la lectura en inglés
A continuación te dejamos estas preguntas de comprensión:
- Have John and Ed always talked about getting a puppy?
- What has prevented John and Ed from getting a puppy in the past?
- What made John and Ed decide to adopt a dog?
- How does Ed feel about getting a dog?
- How does John feel about getting a dog?
- What do they see when they walk through the animal shelter?
- What kind of dog do they end up adopting?
- How do John and Ed feel after filling out the adoption paperwork?
- What challenges have John and Ed faced since adopting the puppy?
- How do John and Ed feel about their decision to adopt the puppy?
Responder a estas preguntas te ayudará a practicar para los exámenes en inglés. Tenemos muchos recursos para ayudarte a preparar el First B2, ¡echa un vistazo a este post! Podrás preparar desde casa el Reading, Use of English y el Writing con nuestros trucos y ejercicios. Y si todavía quieres ir más allá, contáctanos para contratar un profesor de inglés con nosotros.
By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.
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