Written by Casey Goddard

Mejora tu inglés con una lectura corta
¿Te gusta leer? Entonces aprovecha para leer esta historia corta en inglés, te vendrá fenomenal para aprender vocabulario y mejorar tu comprensión lectora. ¿Has probado a leer tus libros de tu infancia en inglés? De momento te doy 3 recomendaciones: Tom Sawyer, The outsiders y Peter Pan.
Si aparte de mejorar tu comprensión escrita en inglés quieres practicar el listening, echa un vistazo a nuestro canal de Youtube.
Si te da pereza leer un libro entero vamos poco a poco. Aprovecharemos esta historia corta, Tom’s adventure at the zoo, para ver el pasado simple. Fíjate en los verbos que aparecen:
Verbos regulares | Verbos irregulares |
Like – Liked Close – Closed Open – Opened Wish – Wished Turn – Turned Amaze – Amazed Say – Said Laugh – Laughed Know – Knew |
Go – Went See – Saw To be – Was Can – Could Run – Ran Make – Made Have – Had |
¿Necesitas ayuda para memorizar los verbos irregulares en inglés? Qué suerte que tenemos este curso para aprender los verbos irregulares en inglés que te sacará de dudas para siempre.
Y ahora… ¡la historia! Si no entiendes alguna palabra te recomiendo este traductor.
Lectura corta en inglés para principiantes
Tom’s adventure at the zoo
One day, a boy named Tom went to the zoo. He saw a lot of interesting animals, but the one he liked the most was a monkey. The monkey was swinging from tree to tree and having a lot of fun. Tom wished he could be a monkey and have that much fun.
Just then, the monkey stopped swinging and looked at Tom. It pointed to Tom and said, “You can be a monkey too. Just close your eyes and wish.” Tom didn’t believe the monkey, but he decided to give it a try. He closed his eyes and wished really hard. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he had turned into a monkey.
Tom was amazed. He ran to the monkey and said, “Thank you, Monkey. You made my wish come true.” The monkey laughed and said, “You’re welcome, Tom. Now let’s go have some fun.” Tom and the monkey had a great time swinging and climbing together. Tom was so happy that he didn’t want to turn back into a human.
But eventually, Tom knew he had to go home. He said goodbye to the monkey and closed his eyes again. When he opened them, he was back to being a boy. Tom was sad to be a human again, but he was grateful for the amazing adventure he had had as a monkey. He knew he would always remember his special day at the zoo.
(Historia creada con la ayuda del chat GPT3)
Preguntas de comprensión lectora
Ahora responde estas preguntas sobre esta lectura corta en inglés. Con ello practicarás para tus exámenes y mejorarás tu gramática. Si necesitas un empujón gramatical hecha un viztazo a este artículo donde recomendamos los mejores cursos para aprender gramática en inglés.
- What was the monkey doing at the zoo?
- What did the monkey tell the boy?
- What did the boy do after hearing the monkey?
- What happened when the boy closes his eyes and wishes really hard?
- How did the boy feel after turning into a monkey?
- What did the boy and the monkey do together?
- Why did the boy eventually have to go back to being a human?
- How did the boy feel about being a human again?
¿Que te ha parecido esta actividad? Si quieres seguir aprendiendo inglés de forma entretenida, echa un vistazo a estos recursos que hemos creado para aprender adivinanzas en inglés o refranes en inglés.
By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.
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