Written by Irene Quesada

Aprende inglés con libros y lecturas cortas
Hoy hemos elegido una lectura corta en inglés de misterio e intriga y muy entretenida, The Midnight Mystery. Se la hemos pedido al chat GPT3 y ha hecho un trabajo bastante bueno.
Me encanta leer libros de misterio en inglés porque son los que más me enganchan y es casi imposible dejarlos a medias. Si quieres una recomendación de libro en inglés, lee The body, de Stephen King. Es más de intriga que de terror y se puede entender bien con un nivel intermedio de inglés y no es muy largo. Si te gusta, tienes además la película basada en el libro que se llama Stand by me (de 1986).
Antes de pasar a la lectura lee primero estas palabras que encontrarás en ella. Si en la lectura hay otras que no entiendas, consulta el traductor.
Hang out: Salir (con amigos)
Bulletin board: tablón de anuncios
Cloak: capa
Lifted: pasado de lift (levantar)
Chest: cofre
Fíjate además en los verbos irregulares en pasado simple que encuentres. ¿Te cuestan los verbos irregulares en pasado simple? Hemos recopilado trucos y ejercicios para aprenderlos en este curso.
¡Vamos con la lectura!
Lectura corta en inglés de misterio
The Midnight Mystery
Once upon a time, in a small town called Greenville, there was a group of friends named Jack, Emma, and Lucy. They were all students in the same English class and they loved to hang out together after school. One day, while they were walking home, they saw a strange flyer posted on a bulletin board. It read: “Mystery to be solved. Meet at the old abandoned house on Oak Street at midnight.”
The three friends were intrigued and decided to meet at the abandoned house that night to see what it was all about. When they arrived, they found a mysterious figure waiting for them. The figure was wearing a cloak and a mask, and wouldn’t reveal their identity. They told the friends that they had a challenge for them. There was a treasure hidden in the house and the first team to find it would win a prize.
Jack, Emma, and Lucy were excited and decided to work together to find the treasure. They searched through every room, looking for clues. They found a note that said “look for the key under the rug.” So, they lifted the rug and found a key. They also found a map that showed them where the treasure was hidden. But the map was written in code, so they had to work together to decipher it.
Finally, after hours of searching and working together, they found the treasure chest. Inside, they found a beautiful golden trophy and a note that said “Congratulations! You have solved the mystery. The prize is yours.” The three friends were overjoyed and couldn’t believe they had won. They looked at the mysterious figure and asked who they were, but the figure just smiled and disappeared into the night.
From that day on, Jack, Emma and Lucy were known as the best mystery solvers in Greenville. They continued to solve many more mysteries together, and always worked together as a team. They learned that with a little bit of curiosity, teamwork and perseverance, anything is possible.
Preguntas de comprensión lectora
Ahora te dejo unas preguntas para que practiques.
1. What did the flyer say?
2. Where did they meet the mysterious figure?
3. What was the challenge that the mysterious figure gave to them?
4. How did they find the key to the treasure?
5. How did they decipher the map?
6. What did they find inside the treasure chest?
7. Who was the mysterious figure in the end?
8. How did the friends feel when they won the treasure?
9. What did they learn from this adventure?
Espero que te haya gustado esta historia corta en inglés. ¡Tienes más en nuestro blog! Y si además de mejorar tu vocabulario y lectura quieres entrenar tu oido visita nuestro canal de Youtube.
By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.
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