Lectura corta en inglés – ¡Extra de vocabulario!

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Para aprender vocabulario en inglés puedes leer listas enormes que vas a olvidar pronto o puedes leer lecturas cortas en inglés en nuestro blog. De esta manera lo más probable es que puedas recordar muchas más palabras al verlas en contexto y dentro de una historia.

¿Quieres seguir mejorando tu vocabulario en inglés? Aquí tienes un curso para aprender más de 50 palabras nuevas en inglés y 4 formas para mejorar tu vocabulario. Y si prefieres escuchar a leer, aprende en nuestro canal de Youtube 5 frases para sonar como un nativo. Lo fundamental es que conviertas estas acciones en hábitos para aprender inglés.

Vamos a ver algunas de las palabras que salen en esta lectura en inglés. Para las que no conozcas, utiliza el traductor.

RockedSacudido. The earthquake rocked the city.

TurmoilTurbulencia, caos. The turmoil in the stock market caused problems for businesses.

UnrestInestabilidad. The political unrest caused difficulties for the population.

DelvedProfundizó. She delved into the topic to understand it better.

OutletsPuntos de venta. The store has several outlets in the city.

HailedAlabado/celebrado. The new book by the author was hailed by critics.

Aquí tienes la lectura, let’s go!

Lectura corta en inglés para intermedio alto

Breaking the Story: “Two Journalists” Quest for the Truth in a Foreign Land.

It was a bright and sunny morning in New York City when Jane and John, two journalists for a well-known news agency, received a call from their editor. They were being sent on a mission to cover a story in a foreign country that had been rocked by political turmoil and civil unrest.

The two journalists were excited for the opportunity to cover such a significant story, but also a bit nervous about the danger and uncertainty they would face in the unfamiliar country. They quickly packed their bags and headed to the airport.

As they landed and made their way to the city, they could see the evidence of the recent violence everywhere. Buildings were burned and vandalized, and the streets were filled with military and police presence.

Jane and John knew that they needed to be careful, but they were determined to get the story. They met with local contacts and began to gather information and interview people who had been affected by the turmoil.

As they delved deeper into the story, they uncovered a shocking web of corruption and abuse of power that had led to the current crisis. They worked tirelessly to gather evidence and document their findings.

Despite the danger, the journalists were determined to get the truth out to the world. They faced many challenges, but they were determined to get the story, no matter what it took.

Finally, after weeks of hard work and risk, they had all the information they needed to break the story wide open. They sent their report back to the news agency, and it was quickly picked up by news outlets all over the world.

Thanks to their tireless efforts, the truth was out and the people of the foreign country finally knew what had happened. And Jane and John, the two journalists, were hailed as heroes for their brave and determined reporting. They returned back home, but not without the memories and experiences that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. They knew that their work had made a difference, and that was all that mattered.

 (Historia creada con la ayuda del chat GPT3)

Preguntas sobre la lectura en inglés

Ahora te propongo responder a estas preguntas sobre esta lectura en inglés. Si te estás preparando para algún examen de Cambridge. este ejercicio te ayudará. Por cierto, tenemos muchos recursos para preparar tu examen FIRST de Cambridge, echa un vistazo a nuestros cursos.

  1. How do Jane and John feel when they first arrive in the foreign country?
  2. How do the journalists gather information and interview people in the foreign country?
  3. What type of corruption and abuse of power do the journalists uncover?
  4. How long do the journalists work in the foreign country gathering information?
  5. What challenges do the journalists face while working on the story?
  6. How does the news agency and other news outlets respond to the journalists’ report?
  7. How does the journalists’ work in the foreign country affect them personally?

Espero que hayas aprendido vocabulario con esta lectura en inglés. Si además de estudiar por tu cuenta buscas un profesor de inglés, no te quedes con cualquiera, lee este artículo sobre cómo debe ser un buen profesor de inglés. Contáctanos para tener más información.


Nuestros cursos de inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

curso B1 ingles online

Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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