Lectura corta en inglés: Sarah la aventurera

Lectura corta en inglés

Te traemos una lectura corta y entretenida en inglés sobre viajes. Es una forma fantástica para ampliar tu vocabulario. Por cierto, que si te viene bien unas frases para viajar, lee este artículo. Esta lectura corta te llevará tan solo un par de minutos. Si necesitas reforzar la gramática, es muy fácil, echa un vistazo a nuestros cursos de inglés y pega un buen repaso.

Vamos a ver un poco del vocabulario que sale en la lectura:

Save up: Ahorrar. To accumulate money over time, usually for a specific purpose or goal.
Example: The young couple saved up for years to buy their first home, and finally felt proud of their accomplishment.

Struck: Impresionar. To make a strong impression on someone, to be affected by something in a powerful way.

Example: The new employee was struck by the company’s innovative approach to problem-solving.

Struggle: Tener dificultad. To have difficulty doing something, to face challenges or obstacles.

Example: The young athlete struggled with injuries throughout the season, but never gave up.

Find her way: Encontrar el camino. To figure out how to navigate or get to a certain place.

Example: After getting lost in the city, she had to find her way back to her hotel on foot.

Wealth: Riqueza. An abundance or large quantity of something, such as money or resources.

Example: His wealth of experience in the field made him a valuable asset to the team.

Customs: Tradiciones. The traditional beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.

Example: The tourists were fascinated by the local customs and traditions of the island

Eager to: Tener ganas. To be enthusiastic and excited about doing something.

Example: She was eager to start her new job and learn from her colleagues. Aprende a decir tener ganas en inglés de más formas en este artículo.


¿Te encanta coleccionar palabras nuevas en inglés? Aquí tienes un curso para aprender más de 50 palabras nuevas en inglés.

¡Y ahora vamos a leer! Si no entiendes alguna palabra, búscala en el traductor.

Lectura corta en inglés para nivel intermedio 

Sarah’s Journey to Japan

Sarah was a student who had always dreamed of traveling the world. She saved up for years and finally decided to take a trip to Japan. She had always been fascinated by the culture and was excited to learn more about it.

As soon as she arrived in Japan, she was struck by the beauty of the country and the friendliness of the people. She traveled to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and was amazed by the temples, gardens, and museums. She also got to try the delicious Japanese food and she met some interesting people.

However, her trip was not without its challenges. She struggled to communicate with the locals, as her knowledge of the language was limited. She also had trouble navigating the public transportation system and found it difficult to find her way around.

But Sarah was determined not to let these problems ruin her trip. She took a Japanese language class and practiced speaking with the locals. She also got a map and a guidebook and became more confident in finding her way around.

Finally, she returned home, with a wealth of new knowledge and experiences. She had learned so much about Japanese culture, history, and customs, and was grateful for the opportunity to travel and learn. She felt happy, fulfilled and eager to plan her next adventure.

 (Historia creada con la ayuda del chat GPT3)

Preguntas sobre la lectura en inglés

Para completar este ejercicio, ¿por qué no practicar lo aprendido? Responde a estas preguntas, te resultará muy útil para mejorar tu Writing en inglés.  También no te pierdas nuestro curso para preparar el Writing para el First de Cambridge, incluye plantillas y ejercicios.

  1. How long did Sarah save up for her trip to Japan?
  2. What are some of the places Sarah visits in Japan?
  3. What are some of the challenges Sarah faces while in Japan?
  4. How does Sarah overcome the challenges of communicating with locals and navigating the public transportation system?
  5. What does Sarah learn about Japanese culture, history, and customs?
  6. How does Sarah feel at the end of her trip?
  7. Is there any problem that Sarah was unable to solve?
  8. Does Sarah plan to travel again in the future?

Espero que te haya gustado esta historia corta en inglés y hayas aprendido vocabulario nuevo. Aparte de mejorar la comprensión escrita ¿Quieres mejorar tu listening en inglés? Entonces visita nuestro canal de Youtube o contáctanos si te gustaría mejorar tu nivel con un profesor de inglés.


Nuestros cursos de inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

curso B1 ingles online

Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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