Written by Irene Quesada

Lectura corta en inglés
Aprovechamos que estamos cerca de Valentine’s Day para leer una historia corta en inglés de amor. Es ideal para aprender vocabulario en inglés sobre este tema y afianzar la gramática. Si quieres leer más en inglés te dejo 3 recomendaciones de libros en inglés de amor que son imperdibles: Wuthering Heights (cumbres borrascosas), Ana Karenina y Jane Eyre. Es sorprendente como estos clásicos has transcendido en el tiempo y esto es porque aunque el contexto sea diferente, el amor es universal y a pesar del salto en el tiempo, es fácil identificarse con las historias que cuentan.
Antes de empezar, vamos a explicar unas frases que salen en la lectura:
They found themselves alone: se encontraron solos
She was immediately drawn to: to be drawn to something or someone es sentirse atraido por algo o alguien.
They quickly hit it off: Rápidamente congeniaron. Hit it off es congeniar, conectar… Se puede decir get on well también.
They had a lot in common: to have a lot in common, tener mucho en común
They had a strong connection: to have a strong connection, tener una conexión buena, fuerte
They shared their love for literature: Compartían su amor por la literatura
They were grateful for that dating app that brought them together: Se sentian agradecidos por la app de citas que les acercó. Bring together se puede traducir como reunir, pero también acercar en el sentido de conocerse mejor… depende del contexto.
¡Y ahora vamos con la lectura! Si no entiendes algo, te animo a utilizar el traductor.
Lectura corta en inglés para nivel intermedio
Second Chances
Once upon a time, there was a successful businesswoman named Mary and a retired teacher named David. Both of them had been married before and had grown children, but they found themselves alone and looking for companionship.
One day, Mary decided to try a dating app to find someone new. As she was browsing through profiles, she came across David’s. She was immediately drawn to his kind smile and his love of reading and travel. She sent him a message, and they quickly hit it off.
Despite their age and experience, they found that they had a lot in common and they began chatting regularly. They talked about everything from their favorite books to their past experiences. As they got to know each other, they found that they had a strong connection and they decided to meet in person.
Their first date was at a cozy coffee shop, and it was even better than they could have imagined. They talked for hours, laughing and sharing stories. They felt like they had known each other for years.
From that moment on, they were inseparable. They traveled together, and explored new places. They shared their love for literature, and even started a book club. They were each other’s best friend and companion.
David and Mary’s love story was proof that it’s never too late to find love, and that sometimes, the most unexpected places can lead to the most beautiful connections. They were grateful for that dating app that brought them together and for the second chance at love.
(Historia creada con la ayuda del chat GPT3)
Preguntas de comprensión lectora
Ahora te propongo responder a estas preguntas para practicar lo aprendido y además es un ejercicio perfecto si estás preparando algún examen de Cambridge (consulta los cursos especiales que tenemos).
- What did David and Mary have in common?
- How did David and Mary feel about each other on their first date?
- What did David and Mary do together on their first date?
- How did David and Mary feel after their first date?
- What did David and Mary do together in the future?
- How did David and Mary feel about their relationship?
- How did David and Mary feel about the dating app that brought them together?
Espero que hayas aprendido palabras nuevas con esta historia corta en inglés. And Happy Valentine’s day! Si quieres aprender a hacer cumplidos en inglés para tus amigos, ligues o quien sea, aquí tienes un post muy completo sobre ello.
By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.
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