Aprende chistes en inglés con esta lectura corta

Lectura corta para aprender chistes en inglés

Hay muchas maneras de aprender inglés. Mi favorita es ponerlo en practica y si me puedo divertir ¡mucho mejor! Para eso hemos preparado una lectura corta en inglés, nivel intermedio, que incluye unos chistes en inglés que vamos a explicar a continuación. Si te gusta aprender inglés de manera diferente, te recomiendo que leas estas adivinanzas en inglés o estos refranes en inglés y su equivalente en español.

Antes de nada, te dejamos que encuentres la respuesta a cada juego de palabras en inglés. Si te cuesta te dejo unas pistas abajo.

1.  Why don’t scientists trust atoms? A. Because he was outstanding in his field
2. Why did the tomato turn red? B. Because they make up everything
3.  Why did the scarecrow win an award? C. Because it saw the salad dressing

Aquí tienes unas pistas:

1. To make up: tiene varias traducciones, pero las que entran en el juego de palabras de este chiste son hacer e inventar.

2. Field: significa campo en dos sentidos (como en castellano) como terreno y como area de conocimiento.

3. Dressing: tiene dos significados muy diferentes, aliño o vestido.

Ahora vamos con la lectura sobre Laura, una chica que empieza un trabajo nuevo y se encuentra una oficina bastante divertida. Espero que te guste y que pongas en práctica estos chistes en inglés.

Lectura corta en inglés – nivel intermedio

It was Laura’s first day at the office after graduating from university. She was excited to start her new job, but also nervous about meeting her colleagues. As she walked in, her boss greeted her with a cheery “morning!” and showed her around the office.

As Laura was getting settled at her desk, her colleague Harry approached her and said, “Hey Laura, why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!” Laura laughed and thought to herself, “I’m going to like it here!”

Throughout the day, Laura met more of her colleagues and was thrilled to find out that they all had a great sense of humour. During lunch, they played a game where everyone had to tell their favourite joke. Laura shared another one of her favourites, “Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!”

As the day went on, Laura realized that she had made the right decision in joining this office. She even got a chance to play a prank on her colleague Dave. She replaced his tea bag with a fake spider and had a good laugh when Dave jumped in fright. Later in the day, Laura found a fake spider on her own desk, courtesy of Dave’s revenge.

At the end of the day, Laura was exhausted but happy. She knew that her time at this office was going to be filled with banter and good times. As she left the office, she turned to Harry and said, “I think I’m going to like it here.” Harry replied with a grin, “Oh yeah, we’re a funny lot. You just wait until you see what we have planned for April Fool’s Day!”

Over the next few weeks, Laura settled into her new job and became even more comfortable with her colleagues. They would often make jokes and play pranks on each other during their breaks. One day, they all decided to have a “bad joke” competition to see who could come up with the worst joke. Laura won with her terrible punchline of,  “Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!”.

Despite the constant jokes and pranks, Laura and her colleagues worked hard and got a lot accomplished. They would celebrate their successes with happy hour drinks at the nearby pub. One Friday evening, they decided to play a game of “Two Truths and a Lie.” Laura’s lie was that she had once ridden an elephant in Africa. Her colleagues were surprised to find out that she had actually ridden a camel in Egypt instead.

As Laura’s time at the office continued, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for the fun and laughter that she shared with her colleagues. She knew that she had made lifelong friends and was excited to see what other antics they would get up to in the future.


Creado con la ayuda del Chat Gpt3

 Si te ha gustado, aquí tienes más lecturas cortas en inglés o si quieres leer más, aquí tienes una lista de recomendaciones de libros en inglés para un nivel intermedio. ¡Incorpora la lectura como un hábito y mejora tu inglés!

Nuestros cursos de inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

curso B1 ingles online

Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

curso B1 ingles online

Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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