So what’s FOMO!? – Advanced (C1) listening
como se dice dates en español video miniatura

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Este es un buen ejercicio para practicar el listening para el examen de Cambridge Advanced o el Trinity. Si buscas un reto más, echa un vistazo a Learn English with Short Films // “Aprender inglés con cortometrajes” en Udemy. Es un curso de inglés para niveles B2.

Welcome! We hope you’ve enjoyed our video about FOMO. In this post we’re going to talk about some of the more difficult vocabulary that we have used during our chat. We hope it helps! If you have any questions, leave us a comment below! This is a great exercise to practice your listening for the Cambridge Advanced Exam (CAE) or the Trinity. Please don’t miss out on – Learn English with Short Films in Udemy.  

Scroll down – To scroll is to go up or down on an electronic device. If you want to go to the bottom of the page, you scroll down. If you want to go to the top of a page, you scroll up. Simple as that!

No, it’s not there, you have to scroll down a bit. 

Every single day – This may not seem too advanced, but I thought the use of “single” in this phrase was interesting. By adding the word “single” we are emphasising the fact that it happens EVERY day. I think the closest Spanish translation I can think of would be “día sí, día también”.

John, seriously, you call that company every single day? Don’t you think that’s too much?

It drives the engine – If something “drives the engine”, it is the motor, the driving force, the reason that it happens. We often use “drive” as a way of talking about the motor of something.

The sponsorship of Disney drives most of our sales.

At the click of a button – there’s nothing too complicated about this, but it is a normal phrase that you can use to imply that something can be done very simply, just by clicking a button. “And at the click of a button, it will arrive at your house!”

Head off – This is a great phrasal verb to simply mean “to start a journey or to leave a place”.

What time are we heading off to Sarah’s wedding?

Invite – Of course, you probably already know this word. However, I’ve surprised quite a few people with very high levels of English who were shocked to find out that if you invite someone for drinks, that definitely doesn’t imply that you’re going to pay for them! It simply means that they are welcome to come. In England, if my friend has invited me for dinner in a restaurant, my assumption is that I’m going to pay for myself (at least until he says something like “don’t worry, this is on me”. ONLY THEN will I know that he is paying for me”)

My friend invited us to the party, unfortunately we paid for everything.

To approach – Approach normally means “to go close to something”. In the video we use it in an abstract sense of approaching an idea or topic. We say “you have to approach ‘missing out in a different way”. This means you need to “consider” or “deal with” the idea of “missing out” in a different way.

My managers approach to people arriving late was genius.

Wanna hang out? – This question, this very lazy question, is a perfect example of how natives speak sometimes, and why non-natives can find it so difficult to understand us. I might say this in person, but I’m far more likely to write this via text. The full question should be “Do you want to hang out?”, which can be shortened to “Do you wanna hang out?” which eventually is diminished to the example we gave in the video! Wanna hang out tonight? You CANNOT use wanna with the third person.

We better go – “we better” is a shortened and incorrect version of “we had better” which is an advanced way of saying “we should”, but it normally implies more urgency. When speaking, we say “we better” cause we often swallow the ‘d’ (now that’s vocabulary for another video!). Cambridge Dictionary has a very complete article here.

We’d better leave before the police come.

Weep – to weep is to cry tears. It’s normally an even sadder way of crying, but can also be used in a positive way such as “he wept with joy!”.

Well, thanks for reading. We really hope that you have learnt something new from this article. If you have, please let us know! We want to know what people think is useful, it’s always inspiring to find out you have taught someone something.

Don’t forget, you can grab our course:  Learn English with Short Films in Udemy.  


By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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