Our Language Experiences – Advanced (C1) Listening

como se dice dates en español video miniatura

Practica tu listening en inglés B2 – C1:


¡Hola! Casi hemos terminado nuestro curso de practicar Conversación y Listening para niveles avanzados. Nuestro video para practicar tu listening en inglés se encuentra al pie de esta página: “Our Language Experiences”.

Antes de seguir con este post, queríamos comentarte que hemos convertido todos nuestros vídeos de esta serie C1 a un curso gratuito. En este curso de C1, podrás:

  • Hacer ejercicios para aprender y practicar más de 70 palabras nuevas
  • Comprobar tu comprensión de los vídeos
  • Aprender de forma estructurada y dinámica

¡Sigue este enlace para llegar directamente al curso!

En este vídeo, Casey e Irene hablan sobre sus experiencias en el aprendizaje de inglés y español y cuentan sus dificultades y técnicos que han experimentado en los últimos años.

Si has perdido los videos anteriores tenemos una lista aquí.

Nuestro ejercicio de listening es perfecto para prepararte para los exámenes de Cambridge FIRST or CAE (Cambridge Advanced Exam) o de Trinity ISE II+, lo hemos diseñado especialmente para los que quieren dar un empujón a su inglés. Hablamos con acento británico, sin tapujos y sin límites y ya que este curso de listening es para niveles avanzados, tenemos casi todo lo escrito en inglés. Disfrútalo y si te quedas con una duda, dínoslo en los comentarios abajo.


Más ejercicios para mejorar tu listening en inglés:


Para un reto más tenemos nuestro curso de inglés online para B2: Learn English with Short Films // “Aprender inglés con cortometrajes” en Udemy. En nuestro curso vas a practicar tu listening en inglés y te vas a ir acostumbrando a los varios acentos a través de nuestras charlas y los cortometrajes. Vale la pena (¿”vale la pena” en inglés?) echarle un vistazo si eres fan de películas inglesas y te gustaría mejorar el acento.


And now in English: Advanced listening practice B2/C1:


Hi there! “Our Language Experiences” is the seventh edition of our, soon to come, Conversation and Listening course for advanced levels. Please, take your time.

You’re here because you’ve watched our video and you’d like some more information about some of the advanced vocabulary that we used. Good work! If you haven’t seen the video yet, you can see it at the bottom of this article.

This is a fantastic listening exercise to practice for the Cambridge CAE (Cambridge Advanced Exam) or Trinity ISE II+ exam. Don’t forget, if you need a teacher, we are here to help! Contact us and we can arrange a teacher for you.

You could also check out out B2 course: Learn English with Short Films on Udemy. You can watch short films and practice your listening with various accents from all over the world.

If you’re here, that means you are learning at least one foreign language and you’re interested in learning more. Teaching and learning languages is our passion and today we want to share our experiences with you.


While English isn’t the most common native language in the world, it’s the most common second language.

Vocabulary from “Our Language Learning Experiences”? Nuestro video para mejorar tu listening

To be into something – If you are “into something”, it means that you are very interested by it.

I’m really into rap music.

I’m really into languages and cooking.

Some other ways to say this:

To be keen on

To be fond of

To be obsessed with

And remember, after a proposition we always write +ING


To be stuck – If you are stuck, you cannot move. This word comes from the verb “stick”, which is to attach something to something else, using a material like glue.

When I reached C1 in Spanish, I started to feel like I was stuck.

You can read more about “stuck” in the article on the word “Jam“, I bet you don’t know all the meanings.

Some other ways to say this:

To feel stagnant

Not to progress

Struggle to move forward


shop design

Do you sometimes feel stuck when trying to get better in English?

Insightful – Something insightful gives you a better understanding. You may go to an insightful speech about feminism which helps you understand the ins and outs of the topic.

Casey gave an insightful presentation about how to improve your skills in job interviews.

If you didn’t know ins and outs, “to know the ins and outs of something” is to know a lot about it.


To roll one’s eyes – To move your eyes up to express that you are bored or annoyed by something.

My dad rolled his eyes when I asked him for money for the fifth time this year.


To bring something up – This is to start to talk about something or maybe to mention a new topic. In Spanish you can say “sacar un tema”.

When you meet John, don’t bring up his weird eye. He’s very sensitive about it!


Utilitarian – Something utilitarian is designed to be useful or practical and focuses on the uses of it.

My car is a completely utilitarian object for me. I really don’t care about how it looks.


Get by – survive – this means to live on the things you have. In Spanish you can say, sobrevivir or apañarse.

John doesn’t have enough money to eat, pay the bills and to get the bus, but he is sure he will get by.


Complete and utter – This is a synonym for totally or absolutely.

This book was complete and utter garbage! I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


Conclusion of our listening exercise:

If you’re here, that means you wanted to learn more English – and that’s great! All of us from the IEP videos, Casey, Josh, Irene and Rachel, have gone through and continue to go through the struggle of learning another language. While we know it can be difficult, it’s also the most rewarding thing we have ever done and we wouldn’t be making this content if we hadn’t. So, DON’T GIVE UP! Keep working hard. Don’t stop studying.

Subscribe, and don’t miss out on any future videos!

And before we forget, you can try our online course Learn English with Short Films // “Aprender inglés con cortometrajes” en Udemy.


Más videos para practicar el listening en inglés: 

Hemos hecho ya muchos videos para practicar el listening en inglés, aquí te dejamos un listado de ellos: 


By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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