Lectura corta en inglés – Adjectives with prepositions

Texto en inglés: adjetivos con preposiciones

En este post vimos algunos de los adjetivos con preposiciones más comunes. Ahora te traemos un texto en inglés con varios adjetivos con preposición para que los veas en contexto y se te queden más facilmente.

En la lectura en inglés mas abajo veremos estos adjetivos con preposición:

Interested in: Interesado en – I am interested in learning about different cultures around the world.

Curious about: Curioso sobre – She is curious about the origins of ancient civilizations.

Excited about: Emocionado por – We are excited about the upcoming concert.

Good at: Bueno en – He is good at playing the piano.

Pleased with: Satisfecho con – She is pleased with the results of her hard work.

Proud of: Orgulloso de – They are proud of their daughter’s academic achievements.

Happy with: Contento con – I am happy with my new job.

Grateful for: Agradecido por – We are grateful for the support of our friends during difficult times.

Fond of: Aficionado a – She is fond of spending time with her grandparents.

Worried about: Preocupado por – They are worried about their upcoming exams.

Usar los adjetivos con su correcta preposición te hará sonar mucho más fluido en inglés. Prueba también a aprender estas frases para sonar más avanzado en inglés y seguir mejorando tu nivel de inglés. S quieres conocer tu nivel, simplemente haz la prueba, rápida y con resultados en el instante. 

Y ahora vamos con la lectura, ¡esperamos que te guste! Tienes más lecturas cortas en inglés aquí

Lectura corta en inglés

Two Friends and Their Bike Repair Adventure

In the lively town of Willowbrook, two close friends, Tom and Emma, shared a strong passion for bicycles. They were both interested in the world of cycling and had bikes of their own that needed some attention. One sunny afternoon, as they worked on their bikes in Tom’s garage, Emma had an exciting idea.

“Tom, I’m really curious about turning our love for bikes into a business,” Emma exclaimed.

Tom’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. “I’m excited about that too! We could specialize in repairing and restoring bikes. I’m really good at fixing mechanical issues, and you’re great at cleaning and detailing.”

Emma smiled, feeling pleased with Tom’s agreement. “Exactly! We could focus on vintage and worn-out bikes, bringing them back to life. We could offer services like bike tune-ups, tire replacements, and even custom paint jobs.”

Tom grabbed a wrench and added, “Let’s get started right away! We are responsible for setting up a workshop in the garage and advertising our services to the neighborhood. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would be grateful for having their bikes fixed.”

Over the next few weeks, Tom and Emma worked tirelessly, focused on establishing their bike repair business. They put up flyers around town, posted about their services on social media, and spread the word among their friends and family.

Their hard work paid off as customers started turning up, impressed by their skills and dedication. Tom and Emma were proud of their business taking off. They felt happy with the positive impact they were making on people’s lives by providing top-notch service.

As their reputation grew, so did their customer base. They were pleased with the growing number of loyal customers who appreciated their work and recommended them to others. Tom and Emma were grateful for the opportunity to pursue their passion and make a difference in their community.

Tom and Emma’s successful bike repair business made them even more fond of the world of cycling. They were no longer worried about the future, but instead, they were filled with excitement and optimism. Their journey had just begun, and they were ready to pedal towards new adventures together.

Preguntas de comprensión sobre el texto

Aquí tienes unas preguntas de comprensión sobre la lectura para que practiques tu writing. Si quieres dar un empujón a tu expresión escrita en inglés te recomendamos que continues leyendo (aquí tienes recomendaciones de libros en inglés). Y si quieres ir a por todas, contáctanos y te encontraremos un profe particular que se adapte a tus necesidades. 

  1. Where did Tom and Emma work on their bikes?
  2. What were Tom and Emma planning to specialize in?
  3. What services did Tom and Emma offer in their bike repair business?
  4. How did Tom and Emma advertise their services?
  5. What made Tom and Emma proud of their business?
  6. How did Tom and Emma feel about their journey and the future?
  7. What impact did Tom and Emma’s bike repair business have on their community?

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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