Lectura corta en inglés – Rain connection ☔

Texto en inglés: aprende vocabulario

Una de las maneras más entretenidas de aprender vocabulario en inglés es leyendo. Al tener una historia y usar tu imaginación es mucho más probable retener el vocabulario. Leer en inglés un poco cada día te dará mucho a medio y largo plazo. Es una de las claves para aprender inglés más rápido.

La lectura de hoy trata de cómo viven un día de lluvia intensa dos personas que están en entornos completamente diferentes, una en el campo y otra en la ciudad. Esta lectura es perfecta para un nivel intermedio y está llena de palabras nuevas. Tienes un recopilatorio de lecturas cortas aquí y un post con recomendaciones de libros en inglés.

Vamos a ver qué palabras salen en el texto antes de pasar a la lectura:

people hurried along the wet street la gente se apresuró por la calle mojada
Carrying her paints and canvas, she walked in the rain Llevando sus pinturas y lienzos, caminó bajo la lluvia
Thomas eagerly waited for the rain Thomas esperó ansiosamente la lluvia
The dry soil needed water, and the rain would help his crops grow El suelo seco necesitaba agua, y la lluvia ayudaría a que crecieran sus cultivos
With each brushstroke, she added colors Con cada pincelada, agregó colores
they both relied on the rain for renewal and growth ambos dependían de la lluvia para renovarse y crecer

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Y ahora, ¡vamos con la lectura!

Lectura corta en inglés

Rainy day connection

It was a rainy day in both the city and the countryside. Dark clouds covered the sky, and everything looked gray. In the city, people hurried along the wet streets, using umbrellas and seeking shelter from the rain.

In the city, there was an artist named Leah. She wanted to find inspiration for her painting. Carrying her paints and canvas, she walked in the rain. The sound of raindrops falling on the streets was peaceful.

In the countryside, a farmer named Thomas eagerly waited for the rain. The dry soil needed water, and the rain would help his crops grow. When the rain fell, it made the plants happy and brought life to the fields.

Leah found a cozy coffee shop in the city where she could take a break from the rain. She sat inside, enjoyed a warm drink, and watched the raindrops falling outside. The rain made the streets look shiny, and she thought it was beautiful.

In the countryside, Thomas stood in his fields, watching the rainwater falling on his crops. He smiled because the rain would help them grow. The raindrops made the leaves look shiny, and he felt grateful for the much-needed water.

Leah went back to her studio in the city, feeling inspired by what she had seen. She started painting on her canvas, trying to capture the feeling of a rainy day in the city. With each brushstroke, she added colors and shapes to her painting.

Meanwhile, in the countryside, Thomas continued his work, taking care of his crops with hope. He knew the rain was important for their growth, just like inspiration was important for Leah’s art. Even though their lives were different, they both relied on the rain for renewal and growth.

So, on that rainy day, the city and the countryside were connected. The rain connected Leah and Thomas, who were both inspired by its beauty. It reminded them that even on a rainy day, there is something special to appreciate.

Preguntas de comprensión sobre el texto

Ahora puedes practicar escribir en inglés respondiendo a estas preguntas de comprensión sobre la lectura. Te servirá para practicar para tus exámenes. Si además te vendría bien un empujón de gramática, echa un vistazo al curso de inglés A2 para hacer desde casa, cubre un montón de temas y es perfecto para afinazar conocimientos y para esas lagunas.

  1. What was the weather like on that day in both the city and the countryside?
  2. How did people in the city react to the rain?
  3. Who was Leah, and what did she carry with her in the rain?
  4. What did Thomas, the farmer, eagerly wait for in the countryside?
  5. Why did Thomas smile when the rain fell on his crops?
  6. Where did Leah find a cozy place to take a break from the rain in the city?
  7. How did Leah feel about the raindrops falling outside while she was in the coffee shop?
  8. What did Leah do when she went back to her studio in the city?
  9. How did Thomas feel about the rainwater falling on his crops?
  10. What did the rain remind both Leah and Thomas of?

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Nuestros cursos de inglés

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Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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